Every week, we bring you the best IOT news from Asia and around the world. This week, it’s been hard to avoid the new announcement from Apple about the iPhone X – the facial recognition technology has everyone talking.
The iPhone X overshadowed everything else at the Apple launch event – businessinsider.com
Should you be worried about the iPhone X’s facial recognition? – telegraph.co.uk
Apple: Face ID didn’t fail at iPhone X launch, our staff did – theguardian.com
Can police unlock your iPhone X using Face ID? – dailydot.com
iPhone 8 and X: Twitter’s best memes and jokes – NME.com
Apple, “Face ID can’t be fooled easily.”
Arya Stark, “We’ll see about that”#AppleEvent#iPhoneXpic.twitter.com/tTIjVbcBkV
— Safwan Ahmedmia (@SuperSaf) 12. September 2017
In general:
These 20 Influencers will Lead the Internet of Things – Inc.com
[Podcast] Integrating the Internet of Things into Agriculture – precisionfarmingdealer.com
How IoT is impacting mobile app development – networkworld.com
State of the Market: Internet of Things 2017 – Verizon.com
The Internet of Things will kill privacy for good unless we act now – telegraph.co.uk
2017 AI Overveiw – Medium.com
When artificial intelligence meets human stupidity – weforum.org
Waymo created its own driver’s ed course for AI – thenextweb.com
AI is revolutionising the sales process – here’s how – salesforce.com
Hackers Have Already Started to Weaponize Artificial Intelligence – Gizmodo.com
IBM is installing a Watson AI lab at MIT – engadget.com
Microsoft just officially listed AI as one of its top priorities, replacing mobile – CNBC.com
Chatbot startup founder sees Southeast Asia potential despite slow start worldwide – techcrunch.com
Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Cyber Security – Medium.com
5 reasons why device makers cannot secure the IoT platform – networkworld.com
Six ways CEOs can promote cybersecurity in the IoT age – McKinsey.com
Inside the store that only accepts personal data as currency – engadget.com
Smart Cities Will Need The IoT and Open Data – theinnovationenterprise.com
Get ready for smartwatches everywhere by 2021 – cnet.com
Thermo-sensitive sweaters change color in the cold – engadget.com
These new smartwatches prove that fashion and tech need to work together – businessinsider.com
The 5 strangest things we’ve seen related to self-driving cars – businessinsider.com
Drone-based communication network is the rapidly growing communication network – abunchofdata.com